
Jun 2024
12:51 UTC

Germany Tactical: Verdi union to stage three-day daycare centers strike, associated protests in Berlin on June 10-12; allot for disruptions

Current Situation

  • According to reports, the Vereinte Dienstleistungsgewerkschaft (Verdi) trade union has called for a three-day strike and associated protests of daycare center workers in Berlin on June 10-12. 
  • On June 10, an associated protest march is slated to be held at 09:30 (local time) from Weltzeituhr on Alexanderplatz to Senatsverwaltung fur Finanzen on Klosterstrasse 59, where a rally will be held at 10:30. 
  • On June 11, another protest will take place at Neptunbrunnen at 09:00. 
  • The final protest is slated in front of the Senatsverwaltung fur Bildung on Bernhard-Weiss-Strasse 6 at 09:00 on June 12. 
  • The strike will close all 282 municipal daycare centers in Berlin, impacting 35,000 children. 
  • The labor action has been organized to demand more staff and better working conditions at daycares. 

Assessments & Forecast

  1. Considering the number of daycares set to close during the strike period, other sectors are expected to be affected, as parents will likely be required to stay home from work if unable to find replacement childcare, leading to disruptions. 
  2. Based on Verdi’s mobilization capabilities, the associated protests are liable to witness turnouts in the mid-to-high hundreds. While protests are expected to transpire peacefully, authorities are likely to deploy a bolstered security presence in their vicinity to monitor proceedings. 
  3. Disruptions to pedestrian and vehicular traffic are anticipated in the vicinity of the protest locations during the morning hours on June 10-12 


  1. Those operating or residing in Berlin on June 10-12 are advised to allot for travel-related disruptions in the vicinity of the aforementioned locations during the morning hours due to the planned protests. 
  2. Allot for disruptions to daycare center services due to the labor action.  
AFFECTED AREA Berlin, Germany

Current Situation

  • According to reports, the Vereinte Dienstleistungsgewerkschaft (Verdi) trade union has called for a three-day strike and associated protests of daycare center workers in Berlin on June 10-12. 
  • On June 10, an associated protest march is slated to be held at 09:30 (local time) from Weltzeituhr on Alexanderplatz to Senatsverwaltung fur Finanzen on Klosterstrasse 59, where a rally will be held at 10:30. 
  • On June 11, another protest will take place at Neptunbrunnen at 09:00. 
  • The final protest is slated in front of the Senatsverwaltung fur Bildung on Bernhard-Weiss-Strasse 6 at 09:00 on June 12. 
  • The strike will close all 282 municipal daycare centers in Berlin, impacting 35,000 children. 
  • The labor action has been organized to demand more staff and better working conditions at daycares. 

Assessments & Forecast

  1. Considering the number of daycares set to close during the strike period, other sectors are expected to be affected, as parents will likely be required to stay home from work if unable to find replacement childcare, leading to disruptions. 
  2. Based on Verdi’s mobilization capabilities, the associated protests are liable to witness turnouts in the mid-to-high hundreds. While protests are expected to transpire peacefully, authorities are likely to deploy a bolstered security presence in their vicinity to monitor proceedings. 
  3. Disruptions to pedestrian and vehicular traffic are anticipated in the vicinity of the protest locations during the morning hours on June 10-12 


  1. Those operating or residing in Berlin on June 10-12 are advised to allot for travel-related disruptions in the vicinity of the aforementioned locations during the morning hours due to the planned protests. 
  2. Allot for disruptions to daycare center services due to the labor action.  
AFFECTED AREA Berlin, Germany