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about us


MAX Security Solutions Ltd. is a leading player in comprehensive security and risk management services. Since 1996 MAX provides its clients with a wide variety of security services, supporting clients from the corporate and governmental sectors worldwide. The company is based on 4 main pillars:

Intelligence: providing strategic and tactical intelligence reporting, covering incidents that affect our clients’ business continuity, interests, personnel and various activities worldwide.

Operations: supporting our clients’ activity through on-ground operational and logistical support for ad-hoc as well as future tasks, addressing travel security needs, securing company events and guaranteeing reliable services on the ground in routine as well as during emergency situations across the globe.

Consulting: offering a tool-box of solutions to secure our clients activities worldwide, through security design services, on-site risk assessments, security audits, as well as due diligence and investigative efforts.

Training: MAX’s customized training modules for security personnel were developed to fit the client’s needs. MAX proposes a multi-faceted solution, one that enhances awareness for security and produces the finest experts in the industry.

MAX Intelligence Division

Our Intelligence division is structured according to the world’s leading military intelligence organizations and led by former Israeli intelligence officers. Being one of the largest intelligence divisions in the private sector, with over 60 analysts in-house as well as worldwide presence of sources, MAX’s Intelligence Division guarantees the highest level of expertise and knowledge, from the granular micro tactical events and up to the highest strategic level matters and trends.

We utilize a wide variety of advanced analysis methodologies which are being used by the major intelligence organizations and we constantly strive to improve our analysts’ capabilities through in-house courses, professional enrichment programs as well as an intimate terrain understanding.

Our reports cover the immediate events that pose risk to routine operations as well as geopolitical analysis that covers terror, crime, political stability, public unrest, militancy and military conflicts worldwide. On the one hand, we enable our clients to take educated decisions, responding to ad-hoc risks, while on the other, we help them with mitigating strategic dilemmas on organizational or governmental levels.

Our team’s military background, as well as MAX’s 20 years of experience in the field of security, allows us to complement each of our reports with operational recommendations which include the needed measures to be taken in order to face the various possible scenarios. Security and business executives alike make usage of our advice to underpin their decision-making process regarding their employees’ safety, as well as strategic decisions.

Our Strengths

High data mining capabilities – collection and analysis of information in more than 15 languages in the clear, deep and dark web, utilizing top notch data mining systems.

Flexibility – personally tailored solutions through a professional dialogue which enables us to accurately define the needed solution per each challenge posed by the client.

Holistic approach to security – unique synergy and coordination between MAX’s divisions enable us to provide high quality intelligence fused with our elite operational experience.

Professionalism –professionalism is our core value and it is reflected in our professional protocols, top level operational procedures and strict methodologies.

Reliability – MAX supports the world’s leading companies across a wide variety of industries: governments, NGOs, international organizations, investment banking, pharma, technology, engineering, insurance and more. In order to do so we meet the highest standards and are fully committed to our clients’ confidentiality.

Global footprint – MAX has 6 global hubs, based in Tel Aviv, Mumbai, Lagos, Milan, London, and NYC as well as a network of vetted partners in over 110 countries that serve as a foot on the ground and as intelligence source.

Open channel of communication – we maintain a direct line of communication between our clients and our internal subject matter experts. This provides our clients with the necessary assurance and confidence that their concerns are properly addressed and their assets are taken care of by top professionals.

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